You are BOTH correct, sirs!,CST-NWS-sanctuary19.articleNow lets break it down, UH-style.
Sheriff Curran (I live in Lake County, IL - so there) is simply attempting the lowest-hanging fruit of all the immigration enforcement measures available, the 287g program where hard core criminals (including DUIs which I feel are more heinous than some murderers simply because you can walk the other way from a good deal of criminal element) already behind bars and booked of county offenses are simply IDed for expedited deportation following court proceedings and time served. I'm in support of this effort. I think Lake County is an ideal testing ground because we are relatively diverse and Latinos are well represented in the law enforcement agencies in the County and the municipalities, thus I'm not fearful of rank random profiling. As Chris Rock says, don't dress like a slut and I won't talk to you like one.
Mayor Daley is right in the sense that African-Americans, compared directly with immigrants, even for the sake of argument illegal immigrants, account for far more crime per capita within the City of Chicago proper. Mexican immigration and Mexican-American movement from the near west side and upper South Chicago into the former Bungalow Belts staved off commercial and residential decline that would have been inevitable under the simple white-flight from black scenario. It also increasingly more expensive to live in Chicago overall and thus there is less chance of receiving completely unwashed masses- hence to survive, you need connections, and that is why you see three states - Durango, Jalisco, and Zacatecas dominate Chicago's Mexican American community. The collar cities, radiating clockwise from Joliet - not so shady and dominated by Jalisco - up to Waukegan display a worsening of conditions that reflects the lack of pull and connections enjoyed by its respective immigrant population. A little thing known as the HDO probably keeps a lot of people employed (though not necessarily gainfully) and hence off more front porches and stoops.
However, Waukegan, yes is more ghetto - the "beaners", the new ones are shorter, darker, more workaday looking, than in the City of Chicago. A good many are not from Mexico, but from other central american countries. These are the types not drawn to the legacy gangs such as the LKs or the 26, but drawn to the hyperviolent MS-13 and Surenos. LKs are like Shriners or Elks up here, older more organized but less unpredictable. Curran's head is in the right place. And Daley is right to defend Mexican immigration as a positive for the City.
Sheriff Curran, keep screaming southward - but next your ire at the CHA and its depositing en masse into Lake County of ex-project dweller Section 8 black criminals, instead. If I took an informal poll, I think more people would rather live in Berwyn than Harvey, if they had no other choices or means.
Also, this corner of Lake County needs to become less of a backbiting rival to Chicago and be more symbiotic, especially as Abbott and other local employers retrench. Get a damn express train running a little later in morning!!!!!